Back to School Raffles

Some of the Mountain Laurel FCU branches are holding Back to School raffles. Please visit each branch for more information. Pictured below are the branches that are participating in the raffles with more to come. All proceeds will benefit the 2025 Scholarship Fund.

St. Marys Branch – 2 Back to School Backpacks. $1.00 per ticket and drawings will be held 8/23/24. Update: Congratulations to J. Shaffer and K. Hetrick! These were the winners for the St. Marys Back to School backpack raffle. Have a great school year to all the kids!

Warren Branch – Boy & Girl Back to School Backpacks. $1.00 per ticket and drawings will be held 8/26/24. The winners were Becky M. and Owen W.

Bradford Branch – Back to School Breakfast Basket $1.00 per ticket. Drawing will be held August 30th. The winner of the basket was Mark P.

Kane Branch – Boy & Girl Back to School Backpacks. $1.00 per ticket and drawings will be held 8/23/24 ***Edit: due to Kane schools starting on August 21st, the winners will be drawn 08/16/2024. Update: The Kane winners were B. Compton and B. Null. B. Null donated his backpack to the school.